Blog posts

πŸ“Œ New Online XML Sitemap Generator v2.0.1

Sunday 24 December 2023

New Online XML Sitemap Generator v2.0.1 While we have been quiet in 2023, we have been very busy preparing to relaunch and upgrading our services. You can find an overview of the changes we’ve made and upcoming in our previous blog. Overview Our biggest undertaking the last year has been re-platforming moving our full stack away from Microsoft. We’ve seen some significant performance gains doing this, and have improved the code base to make it easier to share reuse and importantly add new features in the future.

πŸ“Œ Major XML Sitemap Generator services update

Friday 1 December 2023

Major XML Sitemap Generator services overhaul Having been quiet for most of 2023, we are now at a point where we are preparing to relaunch and upgrade many of our services and set out on a new footing as we head in to 2024 …. We’ve undergone what is an enormous amount of work restructuting and replatforming the business to enable us to move forward on a more stable, maintainable and scalable platform.

πŸ“Œ Overdue online update

Saturday 14 August 2021

Overdue online update We’ve been working on an update for some time to address some bugs and performance issues since our last release. This lead to some pretty big rabbit holes and major reworks of code and re-architectingΒ how we use Microsoft Azure infrastructure, which has consumed many evenings and weekends, but finally there is light at the end of the tunnel. Most of the changes in this release were technical under the hood issues that many users wont appreciate although the service is running more smoothly and faster, not withstanding their may be teething issues as we migrate users on to the new release.

πŸ“Œ Ways you can help support us

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Ways you can help support us This project only keeps going with the contributions from our community and we are very greatful for for your support. We now have more ways in which you can help support the project below. Contribute / donate Subscribe to our online service Donate by[ ]( **UK Bank Transfer **Sort code 08-71-99 Account numberΒ 00100030 Wish list We have a list of things we need for managing and running the service which you may wish to purchase to help us out.

πŸ“Œ Our Next Gen Free online XML Sitemap Generator with SEO tools

Saturday 17 April 2021

Our Next Gen Free online XML Sitemap Generator with SEO tools After a few months away busy working on our systems we’re pleased to announce our latest online sitemap generator and SEO tools . We’ve spent some time updating our backend systems to improve performance and flexibility and so as part of this release which enables us to start offering more features and services as a result of spidering your website.

πŸ“Œ Key sitemap generator changes

Saturday 9 May 2020

Key sitemap generator changes We’ve been making a number of changes to our online sitemap generator. Some of these will filter down to G-Mapper over the coming weeks. It’s important to understand these recent changes as they impact how we spider your website. Hosting updates We recently completed a migration to new hosting within Microsoft Azure to simplify management and deployment of services. We hope that this will reduce down time and deployment errors as well as allow us to scale more easily.

πŸ“Œ Become a contributor and get extra benefits

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Become a contributor and get extra benefits We provide all our sitemap services for free and for the love of it, but running this service on advertising revenue and donations is difficult as they are unpredictable and in recent times they have not covered our costs. In May 2018 new European Union Data Protection regulation had a significant impact and with recent world events we now find ourselves under significant financial pressure.

πŸ“Œ Upcoming service changes

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Upcoming service changes Over the last few months we have bee looking at the sustainability of our various sitemap solutions. Since the introduction of new EU Data Protection legislation in 2018 our ability to generate revenue through advertising has become limited.With dwindling advertising revenue from current streams and limited donations we are increasingly finding ourselves reaching in to our own pockets to fund the service. We have been looking at options to allow the continued running and maintenance of the services as well as ways to invest in a number of key areas such as infrastructure, developer tooling, support materials as well as new services.

πŸ“Œ What has been happening?

Thursday 19 March 2020

What has been happening? First of all we’re sorry we’ve been quiet for a while. The service is very much run on a volunteer basis and some sometimes other priorities take over. We rely on the support of our community and advertising revenue which of late has decreased due to stricter rules on the use of personal data. We thank you for your continued support. What’s new? We’ve updates our WordPress plugin having tested it for the most recent version of wordpress as well as publish a new version 1.

πŸ“Œ What's been happening in 2018.

Thursday 11 October 2018

What’s been happening in 2018. Firstly an apology. Due to other commitments, maintenance and updates have been slow across the board and with recent increases in demand the service has struggled without ongoing maintenance. We are now making the first of a number of incremental updates to move our service to an improved and more scalable (and hopefully lower cost) approach using serverless computer. We’ve also updated the website terms and privacy statement to better align with new EU data protection requirements although in general we do not process personal data other than your email address for the purposes of operating the service and with your express permission.
