General blog posts

📌 Current performance issues

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Current performance issues The last few months have seen a 40% rise in traffic and subsequent sitemap generation requests. This is great, but it also means that the service is heavily loaded and performing more slowly at peak times. We’re currently looking at potential improvements that can be made to the application and hardware upgrades, and will hopefully have more news soon. As I’m sure you’ll appreciate providing a service like this can’t be paid for by our passion alone.

📌 What happened to the advanced sitemaps feature?

Saturday 31 May 2014

What happened to the advanced sitemaps feature? The advanced sitemaps feature was one that allowed you to generate your sitemap and then edit it online. This feature was a beta prototype which we discontinued some time ago. We embarked on a revamp of our website and spidering engine some time ago and maintaining the advanced editor along side the new code became inefficient. We took the decision to focus on our key services and get them right.

📌 Home page redirects fixed

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Home page redirects fixed Some homepage redirects were causing problems for our spider and resulted in sitemaps with no files for a small number of users. We believe this is now resolved. Thanks for the feedback.

📌 Happy new year

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy new year Happy new year from the team. We wish you lots of success with your website in the new year!

📌 The future of online sitemap generators....

Monday 4 February 2013

The future of online sitemap generators…. A sneak peek at an advanced sitemap generator we are working on ….

📌 Welcome to the XmlSitemapGenerator.Org Blog

Friday 2 November 2012

Welcome to the XmlSitemapGenerator.Org Blog Welcome to our new blog. The plan is to use our blog to provide more details about features and FAQs to support our user community. To stay up to date why not follow us on Twitter or like us on facebook.
