Release notes blog posts

📌 New Advanced sitemap generator

Saturday 23 March 2013

New Advanced sitemap generator We are now piloting our new advanced xml sitemap generator! Key features include : Manage multiple websites each with their own configuration. Spider 1000’s of urls Support for Xml and RSS sitemaps Easily search and edit your sitemap mata data Advanced filtering rules Batch search and edit functions Broken link error report Batch editing of url and image entries Hosted sitemaps

📌 online fixes applied

Monday 21 January 2013

Some fixes applied Fix : Indexing websites with port number. Our spider was not able to manage port numbers and this should now be fixed. e.g. Fix : Some issues with indexing framesets and image maps. We refined the way we process framesets and image maps as some html formats/ordering were not working for users.

📌 Sitemap file limit increased and support for frames added.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Sitemap file limit increased and support for frames added. New : File limit increased from 100 to 250 (as a trial). Quite a number of users were hitting the 100 file limit and our performance data suggetsed we had capacity to increase this so we have and will keep an eye on the situation to ensure it stays efficient. New : Index iFrames and Frameset option. We have added support for following urls embedded in iFrames and Framesets.

Sitemap email notification feature

Saturday 5 January 2013

Sitemap email notification feature New : Email alert facility to let you know when your sitemap is ready. Instead of sitting there waiting for your sitemap you can now enter your email address so that when your sitemap is ready, we will send you an email to let you know! Fix : Error locating sitemap when spidering from a non root location. Some users were using urls that were not the root of the domain e.

📌 Spider image-maps and more .....

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Spider image-maps and more ….. New : Spider will now follow image-maps. Our spider will now pick out urls from any image maps you create using standard HTML. New : We’ve added a user-agent string (“XmlSitemapGenerator -”). You can now see our spider activity more clearly in your server logs by looking for the user-agent string that our spider uses. This makes it easier to filter out the activity when doing stats.
